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Geoffrey Hinton Interview with On the Media

I recently listened to a really interesting interview with Geoffrey Hinton, one of the major figures in the deep learning space. The main focus of the conversation was around ChatGPT...

In Feb 16, 2023

Bagging to BERT tutorial

Well, it’s official. I’m bad at blogging.

In Bagging to BERT, NLP, tutorials, Jan 24, 2023

Bias and Ethics in NLP Talk

Still working on getting more content up here, but thought in the meantime I’d share a talk I gave at the Spark NLP Summit earlier this month.

In ethics, NLP, talks, Oct 18, 2021

PyData Global 2020 recap

Holy moly am I the king of dropping the ball here. I had put this recap together based on some of the really awesome talks I attended during PyData Global and then promptly forgot ab...

In Conference recap, Jan 05, 2021

GPT-Who? Exploring the history of GPT

I’m not sure if this confused anyone else, but each time I hear of the “new” GPT, I wonder, what exactly is “new” about it? I know, generally, it utilizes some version of the transfor...

In LLM, articles, Oct 28, 2020

NLP course slides

Whew, a bit of a delay here, kind of a crazy time (for everyone, I’m sure).

In NLP Course, NLP, tutorials, Oct 21, 2020

NLP course Week 7 - Ethics and bias in NLP

It’s the last week! For as much as we covered, this all seems to have gone very fast. I have some reflections on the course I’ll dig into next week. This week, though, I’m releasing...

In NLP Course, NLP, tutorials, Aug 13, 2020

NLP course Week 6 - NLP use-cases

Whew! A bit of a delay here, brought on by the fact that teaching a course is hard! Who knew (besides everyone who’s ever done it)!

In NLP Course, NLP, tutorials, Aug 04, 2020