conference recap,

PyData Global 2020 recap

Ben Ben Follow Jan 05, 2021 · 1 min read
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Holy moly am I the king of dropping the ball here. I had put this recap together based on some of the really awesome talks I attended during PyData Global and then promptly forgot about it.

Here’s my recap slides for PyData Global.

These are just some of the amazing talks that I got the opportunity to listen in on. I made some additional notes on other talks if you don’t mind a bit of stream-of-consciousness.

As a reminder, I have some recaps from other conferences I’ve attended available here. The data community at large is amazing and I always learn a ton just casually attending these.

Let me know if you have comments/questions/suggestions for other talks!

Written by Ben Follow
I am the type of person who appreciates the telling of a great story. As a data scientist, I am interested in using AI to understand, explore and communicate across borders and boundaries. My focus is on Natural Language Processing and the amazing ways it can help us understand each other and our world. The material on this blog is meant to share my experiences and understandings of complex technologies in a simple way, focused on application.