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Series on interpretability in Machine Learning

Hi internets,

In Aug 13, 2018


Sorry for the radio silence, I recently started a job as Data Scientist for ThriveHive, a SaaS company providing managed marketing for small businesses. It’s super interesting, and h...

In Jun 14, 2017

Results of the D4D hackathon

Thanks to all the awesome people at Data 4 Democracy, MIT and we pulled off a great hackathon. If you want to see some of the participants showing off their work (and my t...

In Apr 03, 2017

D4D traffic modelling hackathon.

It’s happening, people! The Data 4 Democracy (with a little help from City of Boston) hackathon. If you’re in the Boston area or a fan of the Boston area or, heck, if you just got no...

In Mar 23, 2017

Adventures in spatial analysis

Related to my project with Data 4 Democracy, I’ve started compiling some scripts for spatial analysis. Particulary interesting (at least to me) is a bit of TSPLIB I adapted for use w...

In Mar 17, 2017

Data 4 Democracy project

Hello internet fans! Just wanted to add a quick update that I’m working on an interesting project with the Data 4 Democracy folks. Check it out.

In Mar 06, 2017

VoterKarma app now with more boost

The team and I from Debug Politics are still working on updating the VoterKarma app.

In Feb 05, 2017

New tutorial

Hi internet friends! I put together a small tutorial using pandas and some API wizardry to do simple analysis. I use open data from Boston and the Wunderground API and deal with data...

In Feb 04, 2017