
LLM Apps Part 5 - Even finer tuning - Quantization and LoRA

In this post, we continue exploring how to “tune” the output of our LLM application to be more…Friends-ly.

In LLM App Series, LLM, tutorials, Jan 17, 2024

LLM Apps Part 4 - Only the finest tuning

In this post, we explore how to make our LLM application to “talk” the way we want by fine-tuning OpenAI’s GPT3.5 model.

In LLM App Series, LLM, tutorials, Jan 10, 2024

LLM Apps Part 3 - RAGs to riches

This is part 3 of my series on LLM application development, see the previous two parts:

In LLM App Series, LLM, tutorials, Dec 17, 2023

LLM technology for dermatology

One of the projects I’ve been working on recently has been with a startup named Melatech, which aims to develop AI-assisted workflows for clinical training and management. One of the...

In Dermatology, research, Dec 12, 2023

The Embiggening of NLP - Part 3 - Fine-tuning

In the last two posts, I talked about language models and some reasons people are saying that size matters. The last part of this I want to cover is something I feel is often missing...

In LLM Intro Series, LLM, tutorials, Aug 10, 2023

The Embiggening of NLP - Part 2 - LARGE Language Models

Continuing where we left off last week, let’s get into some BIG topics. We’re going to be large and in charge. This will be no small task.

In LLM Intro Series, LLM, tutorials, Jul 27, 2023


Ben Needs a Friend tutorial release

It’s ready! In this repository you will find all the materials for my ODSC tutorial “Ben Needs a Friend”.

In LLM, tutorials, May 09, 2024